Is the ERCOT Grid Ready for Winter?

A stretched polar vortex will arrive in Texas on January 5, 2025. Freezing temperatures will spread statewide. ERCOT has prepared the grid by lining up extra electricity reserves to meet the need for heat. Still, Texans are encouraged to prepare for the cold and use energy wisely to avoid overloading the system. Power companies, like CenterPoint Energy in Houston, have emergency crews on standby to handle outages. While ERCOT assures the public that the grid can handle the freeze, residents can help by saving energy and cutting their electricity costs.
Stay Warm and Save Energy
When temperatures drop in Texas, energy demand goes up. That pushes electricity prices and your heating costs higher. So, let’s look at ways to save energy and money:
- Dress in layers. You can better control your body temperature with layers if you work outside.
- Set your thermostat to 68°F or lower. For every degree you lower your thermostat, you can save 1-3% on your heating bill.
- Run major appliances overnight. Avoid using them instead of during peak morning or evening hours. Unplug unused devices. Stop wasting energy merely by turning off or unplugging devices you aren’t using.
- Keep the cold out of your house. Close doors and seal drafts around windows to keep as much heat inside your home.
Winter Cold Safety Tips
- Freezing weather can bring risks, so stay safe with these tips:
- Keep space heaters away from flammable items and always turn them off before sleeping.
- Prepare for potential power outages with blankets, flashlights, and batteries.
- Check on elderly neighbors or relatives and keep pets indoors.
- If the power stays out for long, head to a local warming center.
Could the Cold Affect Texas Energy Policy?
Lawmakers and regulators will closely monitor the grid’s performance during this cold snap. The Public Utility Commission of Texas recently rejected a $1 billion PCM plan devised by lawmakers in 2023. How ERCOT manages this winter storm will influence future energy policy in Texas. And that could mean a bigger incentives to build more fossil fuel power plants and more transmission projects.
But for now, Texans can best help by cutting energy use and staying safe. Preparing now can keep your home warm and lower your energy bills. Plus you’ll be ready for more winter weather ahead. Forecasters are predicting another freeze is coming later this month. You can lower your monthly bills by shopping cheap plans now at