About Green Mountain Energy

Reliant Energy

Green Mountain Energy, a Houston-based electricity provider, was founded in 1997. It is a provider of clean energy to residential and commercial customers. Green Mountain Energy was the very first Texas energy company to focus exclusively on solar and wind energy. It is not uncommon for a Texas-based company to be a strong source of green energy. Texas is the countrys leader in wind electricity generation and ranks among the top five states for solar electricity generation. Green Mountain Energy also provides green energy outside of Texas. It has offices in Illinois, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Enter your zip code to find the best Green Mountain Energy electric rates for your area.

Green Mountain Energy Rates

Green Mountain Energy in Houston

Plan Term Rate
Pollution Free e-Plus 24 Preferred 24/months 17.2¢/kWh
Rates as of Jul 26, 2024 at 08:45 PM

Green Mountain Energy in Dallas

Plan Term Rate
Pollution Free e-Plus 24 Preferred 24/months 17.8¢/kWh
Rates as of Jul 26, 2024 at 08:45 PM

Green Mountain Energy Plans

Green Mountain Energy charges $150 (12 month) and $200 (24 month) for early termination. Customers who are moving dont have to pay this fee, provided that they provide proof of their new address.

Go Local™ Solar 12 Preferred

  • The term length is 12 months
  • Type of rate: Fixed
  • Key features: Power sourced from 100% solar energy and $0 base cost
  • For customers of all usage levels, who are looking for a renewable energy plan

Pollution Free™ e-Plus 24 Preferred

  • Term length: 24 Months
  • Type of rate: Fixed
  • Key features: 100% renewable energy, at minimum 51 percent of which comes from Texas wind farms
  • Customers with all usage levels, who wish to support Texas wind farms, are recommended

Contact Green Mountain Energy

You should not contact your provider if there is a power outage nearby. You should instead report the outage directly to your utility company (sometimes called a transmission or delivery utility). You will be assigned a utility company based on your location. Please visit our website for more information. Utilities Resource Page If youre not sure which one is yours, please contact us. You can reach Green Mountain Energys customer service by one of these options once you have become a customer.

Green Mountain Energy Ratings

Power Choice Texas reviews providers in Texas using three objective criteria. Five is the highest score for each category.

  • Customer service: The providers PowerToChoose complaint scores and whether they offer a satisfaction guarantee.
  • Online access: The energy supplier can offer online bill payment, chat and access to usage trends and alerts.
  • Business history: The number and quality of its accreditation by the Better Business Bureau.
  • The average score of all three categories is Green Mountain Energy at 4.8 out 5
  • Customer service: 4.5
  • Accessible online: 5
  • Business history: 5

Green Mountain Energy: Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Green Mountain Energy so special?

Green Mountain Energy, which is part of the NRG brand family, is located in Austin. All Green Mountain Energy plans include 100% renewable energy support.

What is the best plan for me to use renewable energy?

Renewable energy is an excellent choice for customers who care about the future. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind have a lower carbon footprint than fossil fuels. Green Mountain Energy plans allow you to go green without having to install solar panels at your home.

How does Green Mountain Energy compare with other electricity providers?

Green Mountain Energy has one of the best ratings on the PowerChoiceTexas.org scale. Green Mountain Energy plans are straightforward and do not include any gimmicks.

Which Green Mountain Energy plan is the most affordable?

The cheapest electricity rates are generally found in the longer term plans. Green Mountain offers plans that last up to three years. Variable-rate plans are also available. These plans offer flexibility from month to month and tie into the wholesale energy market. However, these rates can be subject to increase.